I like the concept, but the card is by itself quite weak as a Commander. Someone like Visara the Dreadful gets rid of a creature each turn. This guy requires two turns and mana. Sure he is more flexible, but he's just soooooooooooooooo slow. You definately need ways to give him haste, untap him, add rings of brighthearth and the like.
Posted By:
(9/18/2013 11:08:05 PM)
Interesting concept, but without any ways to untap it, this is far too slow to have any use.
Sure, it's cheap, it's reusable, it's versatile.
But say you play it turn four, place your fate counter on turn five, and then in turn six, if your opponent still hasn't responded in any way, you use the second or third ability to finally do something. Even then, the third ability grants your opponent card advtange if you were to use it against one of his creatures, so it might even end up in his favor.
To make this more reliable in the long run, this should have been hexproof I think.
It would also have worked out nicely flavorwise I think. They're the freaking fates after all!
No mortal should be able to interfere with their plans.
It might also have been more interesting if the first effect wouldn't tap the Triad but was once-a-turn-only,
and the third ability required you to remove two counters.
Imho they woud have been perfect Mythic candidates.
Too bad they didn't turn out as amazing a... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/21/2013 5:28:55 PM)
@N146 couple things. Once you exile a creature it looses all counters (of any kind) that were on it, unless the ability states otherwise, which this does not. So no matter how many counters you stack on something it comes back with none. Second, untapping creatures doesn't cause you to be able to attack with them again or you somehow get an extra turn, it just means they can block on your opponents turns and use tap abilities again. Each turn has 1 combat phase where you get 1 chance to declare attackers. You only get an extra turn or attack phase when something specifically says you do, not just from untapping. See Aurelia, the Warleader and Medomai the Ageless
I wish this card was better 3/5
Posted By:
(10/24/2013 11:00:01 AM)
So slow that it's essentially useless.
Posted By:
(9/18/2013 12:24:37 AM)
I really like the overall flavor of Theros, they did a good job of not taking specific characters from Greek mythology, capturing flavor without having to capture specifics.
The fates ARE specific characters from Greek mythology though, and I don't think Wizards captured either their flavor or specifics. The fates in Greek mythology are about the inescapable. Oedopus doomed to kill his father and marry his mother, the Oracle of Delphi who's prophesies always come true. Once a fate is set nothing can be done to escape it.
The three fates are typically Clotho (spinner), Lachesis (allotter) and Atropos (unturnable). I agree that they should be black - maybe white, but green (life) or blue (sight into the future) would do as well. Maybe green (for the spinner) blue (for the allotter) and black (for the unturnable) The general flavor should reflect inevitable doom. They should be static not activated. Things to build around, not things a planeswalker controls. "Each player sacrifices a ... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/20/2013 2:06:48 PM)
This isn't a terrible card, but it could at least not have to tap to put fate counters on things. Still, as it is, it's likely best in limited, although I'm sure there's a way to make it awesome in EDH (Probably some awesome game- equalizing politics deck) I played this in a sealed tourney and, though it may be slow, blinking a Gray Merchant of Asphodel with 7 B on the field is not bad at all.
Posted By:
(10/14/2013 11:09:44 PM)
Repeated exile is powerful, but when it takes three turns and {3}{W}{B}{B} to do it does it have to give your opponent card advantage?
I think I'd be a lot more into this card if the first ability didn't require tapping. Or even just haste so I get to actually do something with it the next turn. I suppose that wouldn't mesh perfectly with the flavor, and this card has flavor for sure.
If you've got a deck with means to untap creatures then maybe you've got something, but otherwise it's hard to make much of the triad even in casual constructed.
Certainly a bomb in limited in such a slow set. Removal isn't absent like it was in Avacyn Restored but it's not so prevalent that you can't count on keeping this guy around for a few turns.
Posted By:
(10/21/2013 2:33:34 AM)
Man... why couldn't that second ability return it to the battlefield with a fate counter on it. It would even make more sense flavourfully.
You set the thread of fate to show how long their life is, you extend their life by helping them escape some ordeal... but that somehow gets rid of the thread so you have to start all over again.
NNNGGHH so close wizards so close. Still totally going to make an EDH deck out of this though, I don't care if it turns out terrible my inner johnny says I am required to do so.
Posted By:
(9/19/2013 1:50:53 AM)
Oh shit it's legendary.
Posted By:
(9/19/2013 5:54:21 PM)