Some of the best flavor text in the game.
Posted By:
(7/12/2011 11:05:23 PM)
Sure, you could play this with Manabond, Life from the Loam and Scroll Rack.
Posted By:
(3/23/2013 9:28:24 PM)
Combos with
for finisher.
Or Azusa, Lost but Seeking and Crucible of Worlds
Posted By:
(5/10/2013 5:13:11 PM)
This is best used with Cadaverous Bloom and Prosperity to cast a world-sized Drain Life
How I miss those days.
Posted By:
(11/10/2009 2:54:44 AM)
You can work around the drawback with Crucible of Worlds, Life from the Loam, or use it to your advantage with Worm Harvest and Knight of the Reliquary.
Posted By:
(11/29/2009 12:24:12 AM)
Thinking about throwing one in with my dredge deck. Combined with things like Crucible of Worlds and Dark Heart of the Wood, it seems like a nice bit of tech. But there's something I'm curious about, I don't know if this interaction is legal: If I have a Squandered Resources, a Forest, and a Crucible of Worlds in play, is it possible to tap the Forest for mana, sacrifice it to Squandered Resources for another mana, play it from my graveyard (I haven't played a land yet this turn), tap it again for one more mana, then sacrifice it again for a fourth mana? I can only play one land a turn, but that's four green mana from one forest if that's possible. If you have a Fastbond in play, you have access to almost infinite mana so long as your life total can keep up. Does this work?
Posted By:
(3/26/2010 2:34:21 PM)
I love this card. So I'm a bit biased with the score but it deserves at least 4 stars. Anyway's, I've found this card to work best in a trample deck. Since you can get a 4 or higher out one turn quicker.
Posted By:
(6/12/2009 3:05:58 PM)
thats legal zulp, but its better with cadaverous bloom
Posted By:
(11/25/2010 5:56:44 AM)
It is a last ditch mana multiplier. YOU can Sacrifice lands you have already tapped, thereby getting both what they produce and what they sacrifice for. You just better make sure what you are using it for is worth it.
Posted By:
(5/11/2009 11:35:36 AM)
@ Djdaq, you don't use it on the turn you cast it!
You use it turn 3 or onwards for double mana, and hopefully a solid position, otherwise your retaliation/recovery will be very slow.
Posted By:
(11/24/2009 4:52:02 PM)