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Community Rating: 3.042 / 5  (12 votes)
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Ah yes, these guys again...

I honestly don't hate them that much. That {1}{T} is a serious tempo issue... in competitive formats. EDH isn't nearly as bad about that.
Posted By: NARFNra (10/30/2013 10:44:32 AM)


I really don't like Panoramas, but I think I'm going to have to buy a 20-set of these while a wait a bajillion years to afford real Fetches. :P :(
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/30/2013 10:17:17 AM)


Either the panoramas shouldn't have specified basic land or they shouldn't have cost {1} to activate...

As it is they are just worse than Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds. The only thing I can think of is if you have a low of low drop artifacts and mid/high drop color intensive cards. I guess you could also use them to control your shuffles. If you need that {1} early but don't want to shuffle until later.
Posted By: jonrds (4/10/2014 7:50:42 PM)


I like it. It's better in mono-coloured decks since two- and three-colour decks need the mana fixing more than the 1, but in monowhite, green, or blue, this contributes to, say, the Variable Colorless of Syncopate early on, and thins lands out of your deck later. Much better for playing on your opponent's turn than the likes of Terramorphic Expanse, but a little worse for color fixing in more color-intensive decks.
Posted By: PopcornBunni (5/20/2014 10:08:01 AM)


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