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Community Rating: 4.578 / 5  (51 votes)
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One of the reasons I almost always have black in legacy; It's just nice to have an out; but you'd be surprised how often that comes-into-play-tapped is enough to not run it. 1-2 of is quite nice though.
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/30/2013 10:57:07 AM)


I find it interesting looking up what cards were in both Commander Releases, and what this says about their odds of further reprint in Future Commander boxes. I don't think many of them are as Ubiquitous as Sol Ring and Command Tower, but this one could come close. Isn't it in every Black deck?
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/30/2013 10:32:05 AM)


Obvious uses? Every Dimir deck ever should have at least two.
Posted By: Cleo_Kaerf (5/21/2014 12:44:12 AM)


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