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@Troll Berserker: I think it was a case of Willich misunderstanding what "Control Magic" meant. Back when the first Alpha art was commissioned, all the artists ever really got was the card title. So Willich thought the intent was controlling a spell, rather than magic that controls a creature.
Posted By: SkyknightXi (10/29/2013 9:28:20 PM)


Commander prints are such a neat way for them reprint powerful cards without breaking formats; making casual nicer for everyone.
Posted By: blurrymadness (10/30/2013 10:58:20 AM)


Brilliant art. The man on the old art had a severe case of lazy eye and wasn't even controlling anything in the art.
Posted By: troll_berserker (10/29/2013 7:47:39 PM)


Uh, DarthParallax, have you even SEEN any Yu-Gi-Oh! illustrations? They do not look anything like this one. They're usually drawn in a very cartoonish manga style, quite unlike the "realistic" style the art direction of WotC seems to prefer as of late. I mean, I get that hating on Yu-Gi-Oh! is the popular thing to do around here, but at least be correct about it!
Posted By: Tiggurix (12/28/2013 12:42:12 PM)


Man, there's some powerful stuff being reprinted here.
Posted By: DaLucaray (10/29/2013 4:39:45 PM)


This art looks like it would go very nice in a deck with Counterbalance.
Posted By: lorendorky (10/31/2013 12:25:52 AM)


Huh. I can't believe they reprinted this.

I'm not complaining, but wow. :D
Posted By: RJDroid (10/29/2013 6:16:12 PM)


Modern border at last!
Now, just Foil this and Stasis, and I can die happy!
Posted By: drpvfx (10/29/2013 8:21:34 PM)


And as a result, the original Control Magic art actually makes the spell look difficult to cast....which I found fun flavor in, and made it look (to me anyway) like a struggle of wills. This new art both does not show any challenge to the dominance at all (which, I'll say that worked okay on Mind Control), but ALSO this is....just...too bright xP I don't know why, but this card looks SO DIGITAL. And not even good-digital like World of Warcraft.

This card doesn't look MTGO. It looks like Yu-Gi-Oh! -_-

Must say, very let down by the summation of this and Basalt Monolith. Monolith's art ranks an 'okay', and it's hard to make a rock look epic anyway. If the Control Magic art had carried its weight and been more epic, these two would have been more of my favorite cards in the set.

As it is, they fail to surpass Baleful Strix in awesome. If Control Magic had more careful art direction, they *would* have beat Baleful ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/30/2013 10:59:10 AM)


I find it disgusting that they brought this back. But it could be just because I prefer the art in Mind control
Posted By: SerGarlan (11/2/2013 4:37:33 PM)


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