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Hmmm kinda wish we got the promo art on this...
Posted By: 1337vanguard (10/30/2013 8:02:28 PM)


@DaLucaray Only combat damage counts as commander damage. Any deck with Brion as commander would most likely kill anyone by throwing your life total at them though, so commander damage or not is rarely relevant.
Posted By: JmLyan (11/5/2013 11:59:55 AM)


@DaLucray: That wouldn't count as commander damage. Commander damage is only combat damage.

Anyways, regarding the actual card: This is such a good inclusion in Oloro's deck. Yeah, it'll get killed or countered almost immediately, but it at least gets rid of some removal that they may have saved. If they have chumpers, nothing a good ol' Whispersilk Cloak can't fix. And even still, you can just use it to gain a bunch of life off of Wall of Reverence. Throw in Sanguine Bond for good measure.
Posted By: Mistralis (11/7/2013 8:20:03 PM)


@Mistralis - I just got into Commander this weekend and pulled off the Serra Avatar Wall of Reverence Sanguine Bond combo today to crush my two opponents in order. The first had no creatures on board so he was crushed by the 52/52, I ramped up to 104/104 and then cast Sanguine Bond to finish off the other guy.

My life may never be the same...awesome fun...
Posted By: mtgatx (11/11/2013 2:17:43 PM)


I love the idea of combing this thing with Brion Stoutarm. Double your life total, kill someone with commander damage (assuming Stoutarm is your commander), shuffle library. Like a boss.
Posted By: DaLucaray (10/29/2013 5:31:27 PM)


Dies to WasteIand Viper.

Posted By: Swag_Crow (1/21/2014 6:45:17 AM)


For a card that is essentially a Vanilla creature with a stat-defining ability, I'm torn.

I like the idea of a Big Huge Creature, but if you were otherwise going to make it Vanilla, why not instead make it? :


CARDNAME can block any number of creatures.

A Super Ultra Awesome Guardian would be fun....and you can put it in the same deck as Hundred-Handed One and that would be somewhat amusing :)

HEY! WIZARDS! How about a Creature-based Wall Deck support over here? I mean nobody really wants to play against Moat....but this is different because it dies to Doom Blade, right? ^_^
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/4/2013 12:47:39 PM)


40/40 in commander, dang.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/30/2013 3:26:20 PM)


Oh WotC, why do you do this to us?
Posted By: Nexaduro (11/1/2013 4:30:45 AM)


Gotta love the infinite lifegain combo here. Step 1) - Wall of Reverence. Step 2) - Serra Avatar. Step 3) - Fun toys like Sanguine Bond, Rhox Faithmender, Well of Lost Dreams, Ajani, Caller of the Pride, and basically anything that has to do with your life total. 4.5/5
Posted By: MrBrightsideX11 (12/20/2013 8:44:10 PM)


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