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Community Rating: 2.071 / 5  (21 votes)
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See Decree of Savagery. The other tempt cards at least give you a somewhat decent effect for the mana if no one else wants in on the deal, but +1/+1 for 6 mana is extremely underwhelming; maybe even so underwhelming that your opponents are just gonna shrug and let you have that +1/+1 for 6 mana. Unless you team up with people in multiplayer to give your creatures +4/+4 in order to kill a common foe, I can't think of a single reason why you would run this over Overrun, especially in a bant-colored deck such as the one this is printed in. If you're getting a lot out of giving your army +1/+1, then you were probably winning anyway, and Overrun would've probably done a better job since it also gives your creatures trample.
Even in mono-white, at 6 mana I'd rather cast a True Conviction or Light from Within or even Glorious Anthem if no one else helps you buff... (see all)
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (12/12/2013 11:43:22 AM)


The worst Tempting Offer card printed. No opponent is going to take your offer unless they have a board position that is so powerful you wouldn't want to cast the Tempt in the first place. Secondly, the mana cost is absurd. a Single anthem effect isn't worth 6. Neither is a double, which you aren't ever going to get anyway.
Posted By: RAV0004 (10/29/2013 11:39:09 PM)


If it cost somewhere around 2White, it'd be acceptable.

RAV004 is right: If you really need extra counters, you'd have a lot more creatures than your opponents, and they'd rather not accept the offer. If they do accept it, it's because they've got a stronger board presence than you.

If you want to improve your creatures with +1/+1 counters, Decree of Savagery is where it's at.

If you're stuck in White, get Mikaeus, the Lunarch. Not exactly as immediate, but definitely does the job more effectively.
Posted By: Ferlord (10/31/2013 8:20:19 AM)


Not sold on that. Why?
If no opponent accepts the offer, this card sucks. You had the same effect for yours on a card costing just four mana, and nearly nobody ever played it. And the more powerful the effect would be for you, such as if you got a token army in play, or creatures that make good use of +1/+1 counters like Triskelion, the less likely an opponent is to accept the offer.

Posted By: majinara (10/30/2013 12:31:54 AM)


Pretty awful. I wouldn't play this in a million years in any deck.
Posted By: AtArms (10/30/2013 11:56:14 AM)


This would be so nuts in a deck filled with heroic creatures.
Posted By: lorendorky (10/29/2013 8:33:20 PM)


@lorendorky- Heroic only triggers when a creature is targeted. This card still sucks.
Posted By: Turniphead (11/3/2013 11:57:35 AM)


Posted By: Eternal_Planeswalker (3/4/2014 12:24:32 PM)


I love the faustian politics with the Tampting Offer mechanics. It makes for some really fun games.
Posted By: car2n (6/1/2014 1:10:17 AM)


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