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Community Rating: 3.312 / 5  (8 votes)
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It doesn't really look like it's in control of it's velocity. I can imagine it charging at someone from the top of a mountain and ending up tripping, stumbling, and subsequently rolling down, only to crash into whatever poor sap it was aiming at. Hey, maybe that's why it gets power from your lands- it's using them for momentum!
Posted By: DaLucaray (10/29/2013 5:52:06 PM)


Target him with Teetering Peaks for ultimate flavor tyme.
Posted By: lorendorky (10/29/2013 9:29:34 PM)


I am all for cards that hate on green ramp, but 4 mana is just too much for this. I appreciate the thought, but this card is too nerfed.
Posted By: metalevolence (12/1/2013 11:53:46 AM)


If nothing else he's a cute little fella in two relevant tribes. Certainly one of my first picks simply for the feel of the card when making a theme deck.
Posted By: HotHit (12/26/2013 5:26:02 PM)


This tends to be a 5/4 or 6/4 for 4 mana during its time on the battlefield. In a later stage (in multiplay for example) it enters as a 10/4 or more for 4 mana. Pretty undercosted if you ask me.

If it ends up as a 2/4 or something you're winning anyway because your opponent is mana screwed (you don't play this card against power decks that only need little mana to beat you after all)

Great budget card if you need a beatstick.
Posted By: Pigglebee (1/8/2014 4:22:28 AM)


As of this writing (5/20/14), this guy and all the other new cards from Commander 2013 haven't been classified as Commander/Legacy/Vintage legal on the Sets and Legality page here on the Gatherer. They must be too OP to play, lol.

Actually, I can see a grumpy Spike/Melvin pulling up the Gatherer in a game he/she is losing and saying "See! See! Your Naya Soulbeast is illegal! JUDGE!!!!!!!!"
Posted By: cardraptor6 (5/20/2014 9:17:38 AM)


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