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Community Rating: 3.733 / 5  (15 votes)
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She's a lot better than you may think.

Yeah, she's six mana. Yeah, she sets your curve back a bit.

But she can copy ANYONE'S spells. Opponent just used Sphinx's Revelation? Thanks for the card draw. Opponent tutored? Thanks for the Cruel Ultimatum. Opponent wants to counter one of your dudes? Not today, my friend.
Posted By: Decrepitbeef (11/3/2013 3:02:01 PM)


I finally get the first comment. it's a fairly good card, if you haven't played your land yet you can return the tapped land to your hand and put it back out untapped
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (10/30/2013 5:11:19 PM)


Great in landfall decks, or against land-destruction decks which employ spells such as Armageddon, Boil and Obliterate (or, if you yourself run such spells), where you can at least return two lands to your hand and set yourself up for the following turns and have the advantage. Not to mention the unlimited other, awesome uses she can have with copying tutor-spells, counter spells and more! A good body and flying is just icing on the cake. 4/5
Posted By: BobbySinclair (11/10/2013 4:49:00 PM)


In terms of legendary creatures that can copy instants or sorceries, she still isn't top-notch: She has to compete with Riku of Two Reflections and Melek, Izzet Paragon (kind of).

That being said, Decrepitbeef has a point: none of those others allow you to copy your opponents spells. Essentially, she's the only legendary creature that can do that. Her ability doesn't make her tap, and doesn't require coloured mana.

However, if it were up to me, I don't think her ability would warrant a whole EDH deck to yourself. Blue is not the colour that can get multiple lands into play, making her ability slightly problematic. Not only that, but it can be just as bad as land destruction on yourself, since you're handicapping your "one land per turn" play.
Posted By: Ferlord (12/9/2013 1:21:55 PM)


Love her as an EDH general. Has a few neat suicidal combos such as the obvious right of replication or waiting/ forcing your opponent to search their deck before casting archive trap and bouncing all your lands for a surprise finisher.
Posted By: TheDoomknight (2/20/2014 5:51:57 AM)


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