Love it.
More sweepers that hit Planeswakers need to exist.
Posted By:
(1/30/2014 1:49:25 PM)
It's a beautiful day for some wrath~!
Posted By:
(1/31/2014 9:10:09 AM)
This will probably see play as a one of in standard, especially if creature decks become super nuts due to Xenagod coming into being
however, its way to slow for anything but EDH and fringe Standard play *Come on legacy, prove me wrong please*
4.5/5 Stars
Edit: After further review, this is actually frakking amazing in Sphinx's Control decks, I would get a pair immediately if you play U/W Control
Posted By:
(1/31/2014 5:36:58 PM)
Gotta love instant-speed board wipes. Maybe not quite as good as Rout, but nuking planeswalkers is certainly a plus.
Posted By:
(2/1/2014 2:58:58 PM)
Just straight up can't handle it's counterpart (Fated Return). What a pain.
Posted By:
(2/2/2014 7:43:28 AM)
Something interesting about this card is how it interacts with Ravnica/Theros Standard Azorius control. The first being this answers planeswalkers, meaning with playing a third colour, control decks can do something against "Gruul superfriends" (Chandra, Garruk, Domri and Xenagos), which will otherwise gain enough card advantage and pressure to annihilate the long game.
While this isn't my own thoughts, it isn't discussed here so I'll share it. On turn seven, the contol player leaves 7 mana open. Normally, you'd force as much power on the board as possible against the incoming Sphinx's revelation. But with Fated Retibution? It's a coin flip what the blue player's holding.
Posted By:
(2/2/2014 4:12:00 PM)
A little too expensive for most formats, but it's really good in EDH. I use it over Planar Cleansing in my Karador EDH deck.
Posted By:
(2/5/2014 6:28:02 PM)
Yeah, the fact that it's very expensive cripples it's power in competitive play. However, you can never emphasize the power of wiping boards at instant speed too much. A little stall and/or mana producing, or simply in a more casual play, this thing can get quite dangerous and mess up your enemies' plans in a way few cards does (insta-nuke)
Posted By:
(2/13/2014 4:27:37 PM)
I'm surprised that in a format where Sphinx's Revelation for 4 is a common play people think this effect is "too expensive" The standard format is not fast, and in Modern if you're playing control and you aren't at turn 7 you're probably dead. The fact that this is instant speed is more than enough to warrant 7 mana, this will be a wrath effect we will see for a long time to come.
Posted By:
(3/25/2014 1:24:01 PM)
I run this in my Bant Fog-themed EDH deck.
Let me tell you, it is SO satisfying to "Fog" with this card.
Posted By:
(4/1/2014 8:24:59 AM)