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Yeah, it's an inspired/heroic enabler. Is that the art of Triton Fortune Hunter in the top left corner?
Posted By: DaLucaray (1/28/2014 6:07:07 PM)


Use on Rummaging Goblin if you like spending extra mana.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/28/2014 6:46:53 PM)


Good to trigger inspire without attacking and digging through your deck. Heroic also of course.
Posted By: Kanra777 (1/28/2014 9:20:17 PM)


So much energy in these oracle pictures. The fire, the wild rush of images. I appreciate red looting getting a clear flavorful representation in its art. Keranos is gonna be super awesome.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (1/28/2014 8:53:09 PM)


Let's see here. An aura so it's easy to be two-for-one'd, on a creature that must be tapped so it can no longer attack (which is generally what red likes to do with its creatures)--all for the chance to discard a card in the hopes of not drawing another land. I know it's a long-shot but if you play this you could actually three-for-one yourself by tapping the creature (-creature), discarding a good card to draw a bad one (-good card), and then getting the creature and/or aura removed (-aura, -creature).

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this is no Faithless Looting. In fact, FL is such a perfect card that I'd be hard-pressed to ever be impressed by another red card draw again--but certainly not when its Epiphany Storm and has more strings attached to it than a marionette.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (1/29/2014 8:20:00 AM)


Enchanted creature becomes a red looter.
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (1/29/2014 11:27:02 AM)


C'mon, can't they once print it as "draw a card, then discard a card"?
Posted By: Totema (1/29/2014 6:16:01 PM)


@Totema "Draw a card, then discard a card" is blue looting (card filtering), and "discard a card, then draw a card" is red looting (card cycling). Just like Gain Control of Creature Instant is Blue (Ray of Command - defensive) and Gain Control of Creature Sorcery is Red (Threaten - offensive)
Posted By: Vogie (1/30/2014 5:23:07 AM)


Eternal Blue, you're double counting a creature. You can't lose the same creature twice at the same time. If tapping your own creature counts as removing it, actually removing it doesn't count as removing it again.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (2/10/2014 12:15:44 AM)


Admittedly not that good, but it could have its uses. Good enough for inspired or maybe heroic in limited. Plus it looks gorgeous in foil. : )
Posted By: Squrin (2/23/2014 10:42:10 AM)


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