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Weird; exact same quote, but it's from a different person.
Posted By: SnesController (2/25/2014 2:56:06 PM)


Guess the old name "Veszka" sounded too much like Vraska.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (2/25/2014 5:52:45 PM)


Wait, what? They changed the quote credit but kept the quote in it's entirety? WTF???

Why not just put in a new Vraska quote? Or even give a nod to the original quote with something like:

While the Golgari continue to expand, there are those who refuse to call their tainted creations 'growth'.

Seriously Wizards, this is just plain lazy...
Posted By: BlakeHN (2/26/2014 4:59:19 PM)


Although the 4/3 stats seem a little on the small side for a six drop that's part green, having a repeatable combat trick is sure to be useful.

Consume Strength might be the best combat trick in Vraska's entire deck, so being able to get that effect over and over again should cause some serious trouble for the Jace player, especially since Claustrophobia and Agoraphobia will do nothing to stop the Groodion from using his ability.

If you're looking for more fodder to sacrifice, Spawnwrithe enjoys providing tokens to eat and loves being the target of the +2/+2 buff.

Spawnwrithe x Groodion 4ever <3
Posted By: Ataraxiom (2/28/2014 3:08:44 PM)


fun card; a little weak for green, but right up golgari's alley. Also, anything with drooling in its name automatically earns 5/5 for flavor.
Posted By: Burningsickle (3/26/2014 6:01:27 PM)


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