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This being in standard with Whip of Erebos and Obzedat, Ghost Council is going to be sick!
Posted By: Hivis_of_the_Scale (4/24/2014 3:33:38 PM)


For Shakuras!

Seriously, though, it looks like Zeratul just became one with the Void.
Posted By: SpaceMagic (4/24/2014 5:04:45 PM)


How does Athreos and Whip of Erebos work together? You Whip any creature, attack opponent who blocks and kills it, or kill spells it, or you sack to Cartel Aristocrat, so that it is destroyed/dies, then how does resolution of Athreos and Whip resolve? With Athreos, Opponent does not want to pay so..if creature dies return it to your hand. With Whip, if creature leaves the battlefield, exile it.

I would hope that the ruling would be as the active player you place both effects on stack, Whip then Athreos. Ahtreos resolves and creature returns to hand. Whip resolves but there is no creature in play. Which would allow you to cast as new creature, kill it, whip it.. rinse and repeat.

Or does Whip not care and exiles it from hand also with the "replacement effect"?
Posted By: JediSpidey (4/24/2014 5:57:33 PM)


As if it wasn't hard enough to get rid of Obzedat, Ghost Council.
Posted By: Lord_Skoonie (4/24/2014 11:16:28 PM)


Run in a deck with annoying etb creatures like Banisher Priest and Brain Maggot and watch all your friends hate you.

Also High Priest of Penance if you are going modern.
Posted By: BolasEvilPlan (4/25/2014 12:22:46 AM)


Divinity Of Pride begs an audience. It's not just that it activates devotion so easily for an indestructible attacker, but your opponent has to pay 3 life to make sure that the Divinity Of Pride stays dead and doesn't activate devotion again. Because NO ONE would want to pick the second option :p (So in that case, keep Unburial Rites in the hole)
Posted By: Splizer (4/25/2014 6:16:47 AM)


Athreos knows the way.......!
Posted By: Goatllama (4/25/2014 6:58:20 AM)


Pod just got a new toy
Posted By: Belgarath123 (4/25/2014 8:28:39 AM)


Brings up an interesting new concept. Tank your own creatures just to hit your opponents. Something like Curse of Death's Hold turns any creature into a Lightning Bolt almost. Load your deck with cheap weenies ( which White and Black have a lot of, ) and just pelt away. Tack on Dictate of Erebos and it gets really one-sided. Add a sac outlet for more fun. Altar's Reap, Disciple of Griselbrand, Gnawing Zombie, Launch Party, and others.
Posted By: RedJaron (4/25/2014 1:16:56 PM)


Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (4/25/2014 5:53:53 PM)


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