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I once saw someone go undefeated after being passed eight Bump-In-The-Nights during triple Innistrad, so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see this win drafts in larger quantities.
Posted By: SpaceMagic (6/4/2014 2:47:55 PM)


I'd recommend taking it when it's passed the Vanilla test, or you honestly have nothing in the pack to pick.
Posted By: infernox10 (6/4/2014 2:15:59 AM)


The fact that it uses the biggest number for all your copies of the card means it could be a lot better than it seems.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (6/4/2014 5:23:22 PM)


At what point would you take a Lurking Automaton in the first draft round? When it's only 4/4? 5/5? 6/6 or more?
Posted By: A3Kitsune (6/3/2014 11:20:57 PM)


this'll be one of the best last-picked cards ever
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (6/5/2014 2:40:15 PM)


Agent of Acquisitions
Posted By: RocketLobster (6/5/2014 10:04:02 PM)


Taking one early in a pack would be very viable if you picked one and got a decent number on it from the previous pack, since it counts the highest number overall.
On the other hand, you could grab one from the first pack in the hopes that you will be able to get a bigger one in a later pack, though people will probably not pass it to you if they see you sitting on a low-value one.
Posted By: Atali (6/6/2014 11:01:54 AM)


I'm not quite sure about this.

If another player decides to draft these as well, you'll probably just end up with a couple of overcosted constructs.
Then again they're colorless and not too shabby once you get four, and you can hope to get your first ones simply from last picks. But they'll still demand you to pick them over other potentially useful cards if you want to get the most out of them.

I can see situations where they can end up being 7/7 or higher, but they would have been more enganging for 4.
Posted By: Mode (6/7/2014 5:55:55 AM)


As RocketLobster points out, this was an obvious choice for me to use my Agent of Acquisitions. A 15/15 for 5 is very hard to argue with. The first one is the key one, as others have pointed out their P/T is equal to the highest number noted. So once you have a decently-sized automaton, all subsiquent ones will either be that size or bigger. I really like the gamble involved in deciding when exactly to take them. Very fun card.
Posted By: Bbone37 (6/9/2014 10:36:52 AM)


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