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Community Rating: 3.048 / 5  (31 votes)
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Such fond memories of this card. Attacking with your morph and suddenly crushing your opponents 2/2 with your 4/5.... Good times.
Posted By: Drecon84 (8/11/2010 8:09:52 AM)


Yay walls with morph! Wall of Deceit is better, but this is still solid.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (2/12/2011 11:43:04 PM)


I like that it has high power, a rare trait for walls nowadays...the morph mechanic means it's never a dead draw and a 2/2 for {3} is good in almost any colour (except arguably, {G}) and allows the card more flexibility. The mana cost is a tad high, but with the ability to be cast as a 2/2 for {3}, or surprise an opponent both offensively (swinging as a 4/5) or defensively (blocking as a 4/5) as instant speed makes it worth the {3}{W} casting cost.
Posted By: tcollins (7/30/2011 11:46:51 PM)


The fun of swinging with a face-down 2/2 and then flipping it over to reveal WALL TO THE FACE makes this card worth hanging onto even if it's useless in any competitive format.
Posted By: Salient (8/31/2011 10:27:08 PM)


"You thought you were attacking a 2/2 creature? Surprise! It's a wall!"
How did they even get that wall to fit in the spidery-walker Onslaught expansion symbols?
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/9/2012 11:58:12 AM)


I'd also like to know how a wall can disguise itself as a silvery spider-crab thingy.
Posted By: Tiggurix (5/8/2013 12:32:31 AM)


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