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I started playing Magic back in Ice Age days, so I was thrilled to discover Coldsnap had an Aurochs theme deck. These guys are better now that there are a whole bunch of Aurochs (and Changelings) for them to run with, but they are still not very good.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (2/6/2010 8:59:17 AM)


Aurochs went extinct in 1627. Funnily enough, Nazi scientists bred cattle in an attempt to recreate Aurochs, resulting in what are known as "Heck cattle" today. They were used in Nazi propoganda.
Interesting, no?
The project was started in the 20's and continued through Nazi occupation of Europe. The Nazis funded the Heck brothers, though they may not have been Nazis themselves.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/26/2011 4:52:52 PM)


Interesting, but not true. The "Heck cattle" was created by the zoo directors Heinz and Lutz Heck for the mentioned reason but they weren't Nazis. It was in the 1920s when there wasn't a Nazi-dictatorship in Germany. Therefore the cattle wasn't used for propaganda.
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (12/13/2010 1:28:22 PM)


I'd say errata these and others eligible to bovines. Bovines are IIRC the only gender divided type in MtG. Arc Runner, Ironhoof Ox, Longhorn Firebeast, Pillarfield Ox, Raging Bull, Wild Ox and Zodiac Ox are all type ox wheras Hungry Hungry Heifer and Krazy Kow are type cow.

To change all these to bovines would stop the sexism and the error that all those oxen are actuall bulls.
Posted By: tavaritz (7/8/2011 12:21:45 AM)


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