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My favorite ridiculous dragon, next to Dragon Tyrant.
Posted By: Bigg_ol_FATTKIDD (3/13/2010 10:59:36 PM)


Pew pew! I ping you for 12 at the end of your turn!
I think the word "ping" stops being applicable at around 2 damage :P
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (7/24/2010 1:10:10 PM)


I love this guy. I know one guy won't play my dragon deck anymore after I dropped this guy turn 4 (dragonspeaker Shaman, sakura-tribe elder) and showed him my hand full of 5 dragons.
"well I suppose I'll ping u for 15"
Posted By: Gezus82 (5/9/2010 11:15:15 AM)


Great in the Archenemy deck=
Posted By: Andilikepie (6/21/2010 3:50:46 PM)


i like to bring him to show and tell turn two thanks to high tide and dream's grip
Posted By: high_tide_niv (7/10/2010 10:12:06 PM)


Now that's what I call a dragon.
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (1/23/2011 6:18:42 PM)


I once Dropped a triple Dragonstorm and pulled three of these. Then revealed six dragons for each of them. ~ow. 23/23 apiece.

I should mention Dragon Mage and tons of luck and some Imperial Hellkites were involved with lining that up.
Posted By: NZGTownsend (7/1/2011 8:13:09 PM)


I'd say this was one of the rare amplify creatures that didn't suck, but amplify itself was rare anyway, with only 9 of the suckers. Amplify was definitely a poorly executed mechanic. With most of those things, you had to reveal 2 or 3 creatures to even "break even" and get a creature that was on-curve... if you wanted an actual reward for your hoop jumping, you had to have 3 or 4 matching creatures, and if you wanted more than a minor benefit, that's one more card. And yet their mana costs were mostly 5+, at a point when your hand is unlikely to have many cards in it at all. Of course, a cheap Amplify creature could get pretty swingy/nuts, so I understand there's development issues here. But you find ways to make the cards attractive in a different way.

Sort of like this monster. It's still under-curve without any amplify, which is fine; 7 for 5/5 flying is on the weak side but it's there if it's a choice between that and not casting anything at all, and you're getting some ... (see all)
Posted By: Tanaka348 (7/15/2011 2:01:37 PM)


So brutal true dragon powah!
Posted By: bigschwang (9/5/2009 12:42:22 PM)


The Ping King
Posted By: HuntedWumpusMustDie (8/31/2009 5:05:19 PM)


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