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Tad expensive, but would be a massacre in a beast-deck. I mean, if you attacked with 5 other beasts, this is a 17/4 trampler...
Posted By:
(2/27/2011 3:04:32 PM)
Why is this rated so low? This card's a monster when it's in a beast tribal deck (and that's the only deck this card should be showing up in, so). Think about it: we can generally assume that in a beast tribal, you're attacking with at least one other beast every turn (especially if you're using cards like Ember Beast, for example), usually two by the time you're throwing out a Shaleskin Bruiser. That's +6 power right there from the Shaleskin Bruiser's ability. Yeah, that's right, +6 power. That nakes this card a 10/4 with trample, and one that most certainly draws all the attention away from your other beasts that are also slamming straight into your opponent's life total. That much power is definitely going to either do a major number on your opponent's health or absolutely decimate his blocking forces, to the point where many players usually have to pull back their offensive creatures to defence in order to deal with the might of your Shaleskin Bruiser-le... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/4/2011 4:30:10 PM)
It's expensive, but it's also sharing a tribe with green. That's mana ramp people!
Mind, it'll need three other beasts to really scare people. But hopefully you've got quite a few going by then, and there's every possibility you've got something equally scary out.
It's not great, but it can really smash face when it wants.
Posted By:
(10/7/2012 2:57:44 PM)
Oh, casual cards, how do we love thee? Let me count the ways. While this fellow would never see play in any sort of Standard environment (he's far, far too high of a CMC), it's still nice to see a Goblin Piledriver effect, especially for the criminally under-represented Beast tribe. Not nearly enough synergy exists for tribal Beasts, in my opinion, and not only does this card provide some of that, but it's also red as opposed to the usual green. Two-color tribal Beasts? That's just plain wrong! (And by wrong I mean awesome.) Anyway, this creature has a lot of potential, but only in the right style of deck, likely a red-green tribal Beast beatdown with some ramp or perhaps a Stonebrow, Krosan Hero EDH deck with a Beast subtheme. Otherwise, his very high CMC prevents him from seeing play very often.
What I think I like most about this card, however, is the art. Action poses are always fun to see on cards, especially when they'... (see all)
Posted By:
(12/17/2012 6:04:41 AM)
So broken^^ But a fun casual card.
Posted By:
(4/29/2010 11:31:10 PM)
It's not a bad card, definitely, but its high mana cost takes away its usefulness. If only it cost two or even a one mana less, it would see more (any?) play. On the other hand, beast decks usually contain sources of green mana, so the Bruiser can be brought into play a bit faster.
Posted By:
(8/7/2011 3:05:10 AM)
why does all the awesome art get wasted on terrible cards?
This card needs to be at least 2 CMC cheaper to be good.
Posted By:
(9/6/2010 4:15:24 PM)
I swear some of you people are just plain stupid. You don't like a card unless it basically wins you the game on turn one, two, or three. This card does not suck. A good beast deck should get land really fast or make your beasts cost cheaper. I have him in my beast deck and he has won me many games against a lot of cheap Alara beast decks. Him and a lot of Onslaught commons which you people say are junk. I go against a lot of other beast decks from not just the Alara block but also the recent sets and they all get owned because a majority of it is Onslaught beasts. This guy just caps it off.
Posted By:
(1/18/2011 1:10:05 PM)
A beast pile driver for only 3 and a half times the mana!? With trample! Broken.
Posted By:
(9/17/2009 11:25:51 AM)
@DysprosiumJudasIt's a seven mana card with four toughness. It has to have an immediate impact on the board or otherwise be insanely good to justify spending that much mana for a glass cannon.
@Chives: Have you ever thought there's a REASON people like cards that win you the game by turn 3? If your opponent is playing really good cards and you're playing stupid jank like this, you'll never even get a chance to cast this because you're too busy dying to cards that are actually good.
Posted By:
(9/14/2011 5:19:40 AM)