Raping the Graves is rather situational, but so is this. There is nothing quite like this for the mana in a tribal deck, but in other decks, this is pretty overcosted.
Posted By:
(11/3/2010 6:43:15 PM)
Card advantage is card advantage; but I don't know. Getting creatures back into your hand at such expense means that you have little ability to cast them yet. Disentomb and its ilk allow you to pick something you can cast if you need it, are card neutral, and kind of.. good enough.
There are tribal cards that do this effect better for zombies and it's a bit unnecessary unless you need specific interaction and something like Unearth won't do. By the time you get to this 4 mana territory you can start *putting things directly on the field* with Dread Return (up to two things!) and its ilk.
This is definitely playable (3/5 IMO) but it's only a worthy choice if you want a cheap ($) card or you need the card advantage more. Still, I'd just use Grave Scrabbler or something then.
Posted By:
(1/16/2013 3:42:15 PM)
I will shamelessly admit rating up clockworkswordfish's comment because of his unique spelling of reaping
Posted By:
(2/1/2011 4:39:20 PM)
I'd say it's decent... not AMAZING, bug decent. +2 card advantage in a relevant tribal deck such as vampires or zombies.
Posted By:
(5/26/2012 12:35:28 PM)
Not bad at all. I dunno if i like this one or Reaping the Graves more. Although that depends on the deck.
Posted By:
(7/28/2010 11:02:46 AM)
a buddy of mine used this with slivers to come back from mass removal
Posted By:
(9/26/2011 1:34:15 PM)
I don't see how it doesn't have higher ratings. You get to use three Disentomb with one extra B to tie them together. It's actually very useful for tribal black decks, like vampires. ;D
Posted By:
(1/17/2011 8:40:32 PM)
i am first!
Posted By:
(5/31/2010 3:18:39 PM)
So "raping" isn't censored? Further experiments show that rape works too. Good find Clockworkswordfish.
Posted By:
(10/30/2011 2:00:26 PM)
Grace scrabbler requires that you use its madness cost. That's extremely situational.
Just because this card is black, doesn't mean that it is for zombies. This card was printed in a block that was entirely based on tribes. This card only requires 1 black mana. You can easily splash this into a different deck.
Another note about it's usefulness. Since you get three creatures back (with just 1 card!), you can easily grab a festering goblin as one of the cards to buy you time for the turn.
I use this card because it is a 3-for-1. I use it to get back my gempalm polluter and other cheap to cast zombies. It's definitely a good card.
Posted By:
(6/20/2013 6:29:06 AM)