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Get two copies of this ready. Get Spawnsire of Ulamog combo with Heartstone/Training Grounds. Call Human. Summon Izzet Guildmage with Spawnsire. Then summon a mana fixer (there's at least 2 red ones from Ice Age block). Then play your second Evolution on spawnsire and copy it unlimited times. Between the resolution of the copies summon all creatures of that type from your collection. Then you get every creature from your collection into play. Except those that would stop the combo. And Nameless Race.
Posted By: kitsunewarlock (5/31/2012 8:45:05 AM)


This is a sweet, awesome, epic card. Highly situational but at the same time incredibly versatile. Not only can it be used to buff your own cards to have effects you would never have thought of, it can also completely shut down some opposing cards or turn others to your advantage.

On an opponent's Goblin King: your Goblin King is now a Merfolk King. All merfolks (which just happen to be my main creature type) get +1/+1 and have mountainwalk. Have fun.

On opponent's Heedless One: your Heedless One is now a 1/1 Trample Lammasu Avatar. Shock plz.

The Seahunter combo has already been mentioned, won't repeat it.

Lord of the Unreal why not...

Absolutely sweet damn card.
Posted By: Arachnos (9/15/2012 1:03:25 AM)


"Oh dear, your Elvish Champion appears to be buffing my creatures instead of yours. Oh, and you've got Forests? Handy."
Posted By: LordRandomness (9/19/2012 2:13:35 AM)


Such a fun card, and a perfect fit with Simic in both form and function.
Posted By: noobmag1 (1/30/2013 8:19:03 PM)


Spawnsire of Ulamog + this + slivers. It's much more fun than eldrazi, and they aught to all have haste.
Posted By: Megadog (7/8/2013 7:43:21 PM)


life and limb, change saproling to elf, arbor elf, and illusionist's bracers, which works because arbor elf's ability is not considered a mana ability because it does not produce any mana (also, it targets and a mana ability has no targets as per the comprehensive rules that i read occasionally. speaking of which, look up rule 712.5b and read the example if you want a good laugh.)
Posted By: WytLytnn (8/9/2013 10:34:23 PM)


Secret Anti-Dragonstorm tech. Into every blue EDH you go!
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (10/24/2013 4:22:15 PM)


Tons of fun in a tribal deck if you add a sliver or two.
Posted By: Gameguy602 (4/17/2014 7:19:54 AM)


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