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Community Rating: 2.523 / 5  (22 votes)
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How about filtering out all land cards after you have drawn the ones you need? Or ditching a card you don't need at that moment? I like it alot, it lets me make sure i don't draw something worthless.

The high-mana cost however is a issue, but i still give it 3.5/5.
Posted By: zarkman (11/29/2010 6:14:03 AM)


Merfolk Looter often performs the function of this card, and has better applications.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (7/13/2012 12:40:10 PM)


the only use i can see would be flashbacks...
@ zarkman y not just use the other wizards that rearrange instead of throw away? this is worse
Posted By: Hand_Bannana (1/17/2011 6:27:41 AM)


My buddy runs a b/g/u reanimator deck using this. Not only does this pump creatures into his graveyard, but in regards to mid/late game, it also weeds out the useless cards. This card, although a tad bit costly, adds a lot more control to his deck - especially considering he can play it at the end of my turn. 3/5
Posted By: Smauls (1/28/2011 8:27:35 AM)


Unearth would make this useful I spose.
Posted By: Mike-C (3/27/2011 5:26:26 PM)


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