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I think the point of view on this card is part of what sells the art. The Dragon is reaching down to grab you and tear you apart - scary!

Most art these days is just a typical side view of something cool... maybe some explosions tossed in, but either way, they lack the threat that is apparent in this art.

As for the creature itself, it is still good. Sure, it's expensive and not easy to use in combos, but hey, Titans see play, and this thing is comparable to an Inferno Titan.
Posted By: Radagast (9/15/2011 9:50:44 AM)


Revenge? You? I am SMAUG! I kill when I wish! I am strong, strong, STRONG! My armor is like tenfold shields! My teeth like swords! My claws, spears! The shock of my tail, a thunderbolt! My wings, a hurricane! And my breath, death!
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/25/2012 1:16:28 AM)


Sheer nostalgia value of the old art. They don't draw them like they used to.
Posted By: Minerffa (6/22/2009 1:23:08 AM)


Posted By: penguinmage25 (11/10/2011 2:09:31 PM)


Absolutely iconic. After nearly 20 years, I still win games with Mr. Shivan. All other Dragons are knock-offs. The original and STILL the best all-around Dragon in the game. Balanced power, correctly costed,great original art, classic flavor text, and devastating if unblocked...and yes I still run four of these in my Dragon deck!
Posted By: tpkatsa (9/16/2013 9:41:35 AM)


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