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A great utility card that is still considered as a precious addition to many goblin decks in eternal formats. Burning a Tarmogoyf while dodging most counterspells and drawing a card in the process for just 1Red has to be a good thing.
On top of that you can fetch it with Goblin Matron or Goblin Ringleader. Oh, and it sometimes attacks too! ;-)
Posted By: holgir (9/23/2009 1:02:46 AM)


@Undergroundmonorail: Although that is generally the best way to play it, what if your opponent has a lot of massive creatures out (too powerful to kill with this) and the only way to stop them from killing you next turn is to block with this? Or if you have Reckless One out and want to boost it? Or you want to fire that Goblin Grenade? Or if your opponent has no creatures on the board and you just want to be closer to swinging for the win?

Cards with options are always better and playing this as a creature is a viable option that could benefit you in hundreds of situations. Also you missed the bit where this draws a card. No one would ever play your tribal instant.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (2/26/2013 8:05:40 PM)


Could be the best Goblin ever printed. Seriously. He makes any Goblin deck work. For those who don't like his creature stats, good, he will never be cast as a creature. And if he is, that's a bad play on your part. Think of him as an instant that costs 1R that reads "Deal X damage to target creature, where X is the number of Goblins in play. Draw a card." and can be brought to your hand with searchers / drawers like Matron, Ringleader, Wort, etc.

That's basically what he does, and he's one of the best Goblins ever printed. Makes any Goblin deck run smoother, run in 4s, IMO.
Posted By: Guest1392057160 (12/21/2010 12:32:26 PM)


wtf. It's 2 mana to draw a card AND removal, at instant speed. Sure, the removal is a bit luck based, but as a goblin deck you should have enough goblins on the field to kill something. You're lucky if you even get cycling at 2 mana.

5/5, every goblin deck must run this.
Posted By: mdakw576 (5/13/2010 7:15:52 PM)


Gempalm Incinerator - 1Red
Tribal Instant - Goblin

Gempalm Incinerator deals X damage to target creature, where X is the number of Goblins on the battlefield.


If you ever play this card in any other way, you're doing it wrong.
Posted By: undergroundmonorail (4/6/2012 8:41:50 PM)


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