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Community Rating: 3.484 / 5  (31 votes)
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He's rather good and aggressive, but I can't help but think of Tarmogoyf and compare...
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/28/2011 4:25:43 PM)


I love that it has the same name as its creature type and is still good! Unlike Viashino Skeleton...
Posted By: Tiggurix (10/10/2012 6:21:18 AM)


This card was much better before the errata. Look at the ability. "When this card comes into play from your hand..." and now it's just an etb trigger. Imagine running shenanigans with Immortal Servitude and this, before the Errata.

Still a solid card, mind you.
Posted By: Doaj (7/23/2013 3:30:27 PM)


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