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Community Rating: 4.107 / 5  (42 votes)
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This is obviously a pretty strong card in the right deck. It's also very satisfying to play, which I think is why it was a good choice for the starter sets.

I have a couple in a super mana ramp decks which uses 2 mana lands and the untap druids from ravnica - I forget their name.
Posted By: Baconradar (8/7/2010 4:29:07 PM)


the wording is very different from the oracle on this printing.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/15/2010 7:50:02 PM)


Nice art...potential combo material in some Skullclamp deck somewhere.
Posted By: NeoMint (2/10/2011 7:36:19 PM)


I wish I had this, would work well with Life from the Loam, that and my Golgari deck in general, because a deck with dredge can do anything.
Posted By: 07mak (6/27/2013 12:42:39 PM)


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