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Community Rating: 4.000 / 5  (44 votes)
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Almost any green deck I play requires this card, especially my stoic angel/glare deck. It has been one of my favorite cards since its been printed. I not only untaps your creatures but also your lands and artifacts so the availability of uses in a deck are very open because it can abuse the untap ability at every opponents untap step.
Posted By: Tsabo_Lives (2/2/2009 3:38:13 PM)


Fantastic alone, but absurd with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, Future Sight, Magus of the Future, Leyline of Anticipation, Vedalken Orrery.
Posted By: KikiJikiTiki (6/14/2011 9:33:28 PM)


Devastating in conjunction with Selesnya's Convoke mechanic from the first Ravnica block. Tap out with impunity to play the things you want, and attack, only to have everything untapped for defense and also to retap for convoke tricks. This is an amazing card with a huge amount of strategic value for many different kinds of decks. Not to mention how much better this is in multiplayer games.
Posted By: Equinox523 (2/26/2014 12:46:21 PM)


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