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With a Dark Rit, awesome 1st turn. I use it to get Ashen Ghoul in my graveyard early, then 3rd turn Buried Alive to get the other 3 Ashens in my graveyard and the combo begins. Good card in black.
Posted By: windsorwindsor1 (8/15/2009 8:35:08 AM)


Either that, or just discard Basking Rootwalla... onto the battlefield!
Posted By: nammertime (11/29/2009 10:02:06 PM)


Aaron’s Random Card Comment of the Day #66, 3/27/10

The most interesting thing about this card--to me--is that the original Clint Langley art for it hangs in the home of one Paul Barclay, former Magic Rules Manager and current director in WotC’s Creative and Production Services team. So next time you’re at his house, check it out.

Now I need to say something entertaining for the 99+% of you that will never go to Paul’s house…

Ah, Weatherlight. A set named after a ship, with a book for its expansion symbol, and a heavy graveyard-oriented mechanical throughline. Did I mention it was set three in an African-flavored block? Does any of this make sense?

Hidden Horror has nothing to do with Africa, ships, or books, but he is a clever card in a graveyard-themed set. Black creatures have a long history of exchanging a super-efficient mana cost for some kind of unsavory drawback, and players have an equally long history of trying to turn those drawbacks into adv... (see all)
Posted By: Aaron_Forsythe (3/27/2011 10:16:40 PM)


This art is better than the new art.
Posted By: okaaaaay (6/2/2011 8:58:27 PM)


@ Aaron:

I agree with you that there shouldn't be any cheap reanimation spell in black that is able to revive a Titan or anything similar. But this doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any cheap reanimation spell at all.

I'm no fan of black reanimation spells that return the creature to your hand, as this feels like a break in the logic. I either reanimate it or not. So what does a creature in my hand mean? Is it reanimated, just to be played 4 turns later? Or maybe it never sees the battlefield again... since you've decided to discard it for a Hidden Horror instead. Therefore, I like the Unearth or Stir the Grave spells much more than any Disentomb. If the spell would also state "a graveyard" instead "your graveyard", it would really make me a fan of black again.

The Hidden Horror is an "ok" card. It's flavorful that this cards "frightens" the one who casted it, losing a "thought = card" in t... (see all)
Posted By: Cheza (8/1/2011 1:34:21 PM)


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