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Player Rating:
Community Rating: 2.366 / 5  (41 votes)
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An okay card with some mid-game usefulness in its pumping ability, though chump-blocking with this guy could be a huge mana drain. Then again, mono-white weenie decks can run on three White or less, so there could be mana to spare.
Posted By: keeds4 (12/10/2010 7:49:39 AM)


This guy walls out blockers as the game goes on, and gladly attacks through those one-toughness first-strikers and generally just makes it difficult for your opponents to run creatures with less than 2 toughness.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (11/6/2011 6:48:15 PM)


I agree with other comments. I think people must expect too much out of a one drop anymore for this to be rated below the mid point.
Posted By: The-Earth-Dragon (4/22/2012 12:24:01 PM)


doran the siege engine would like to have a word with all down raters.
that in mind i'm only giving 3/5
Posted By: thaviel (4/17/2011 8:58:20 AM)


At time of posting, this print has a perfect 2.500 rating. Pretty much just right, cause in most decks, it's 0.5, but coupled with something like Doran its easily at least 4.5.
Posted By: Todris052 (12/30/2012 12:41:37 AM)


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