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Ah yes, the ORIGINAL Lurker Berserker Assembly-worker.
Posted By: Kirbster (11/10/2010 8:50:39 PM)


Sorry, but both he and Changelings have every creature type at all times. In fact, changeling isn't even a real ability (and neither is mistform's "ability"); it is simply a statement of fact about the card. Just treat all changelings and Mistform Ultimus as if the name of every creature type were written in the creature-type line. (Note: This means that you can, in fact, summon changeling's with the Spawnsire.)
So, a Humility or a Sudden Spoiling won't remove changeling or Mistform's ability.
I don't know why Mistform Ultimus wasn't errataed to have changeling.
Posted By: marmaris74 (6/20/2012 5:24:51 PM)


The first time i read this, i thought it said "is every creature."
Posted By: BastianQoU (6/3/2011 8:33:06 AM)


Dammit lorwyn, way to f.uck up the only function of a previously awesome legend.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (7/23/2010 1:57:49 PM)


But, he's still pretty cool, isnt he?
Posted By: Kryptnyt (2/15/2010 11:25:01 AM)


This guy is a Mutant Ninja Turtle.
The release date for Legions was February 3, 2003, so on February 3, 2016 Mistform Ultimus will be a teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. To celebrate, someone has got to make a theme deck, including:
4 Mistform Ultimus, each with a different altered art to look like one of the Turtles.
4 Mutagenic Growth
1 No-Dachi and 1 O-Naginata as Leonardo's katana
2 Kusari-Gama as Michaelangelo's nunchaku
1 Staff of Domination for Donatello
2 Sai of the Shinobi for Raphael
1 Splinter
1 Nezumi Shadow-Watcher, because it looks like Master Splinter
1 Archivist for April O'Neil? There's gotta be something better.
1 Bone Shredder and/or 1 Codex Shredder
1 Higure, the Still Wind, because it kinda looks like Shredder
1 autocar... (see all)
Posted By: Rywaba (7/17/2013 7:28:08 PM)


since Lorwyn this guy is actually just inferior to almost every Changeling.
Posted By: Mode (7/31/2009 9:08:48 AM)


whats the diferance between its ability and changling? Even the oracle text still just says the same thing, it didnt switch it to changling like it does with most key wordered abilities
speeking of kea words, i wonder why they still havent key worded fire breathing?

And no, acording to the reminder text on changling, it is all creature typs at all times, thus the abilities are the same.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (1/23/2011 2:18:00 PM)



I'd rather make him a Jellyfish Angel Demon
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (6/23/2013 4:28:24 PM)


"Bwah ha ha, quake in fear, mortals! For I am now a God!"
Posted By: Kelptic183 (10/6/2013 12:14:09 PM)


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