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Can you reduce Equip cost to 0 with this guy? Let's say I got a Basilisk Collar ( Equip 2 ) and 2 Auriok Steelshaper, can I equip the collar for 0 ?
Posted By: Dr34m0f7hi5 (5/5/2010 8:51:32 PM)


I wonder if Knights ever become good enough if the Steelshaper'd be worth including.
Posted By: jstarfiret (5/1/2009 2:19:01 PM)


If you hand him a Runed Stalactite, does he become a 4/4? 1/1 w/ +1/1 from equipment, and +2/2 from being both a soldier and a knight, if you were wondering.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (2/4/2010 9:40:40 AM)


@ Gwafa Hazid:
No he'd just be a 3/3. He gives +1/+1 to soldiers and knights but that doesn't mean he'd give +2/+2 to soldier knights.
Wasn't this guy dirt cheap before the new knight lord came out. Drat
Posted By: TPmanW (1/31/2011 11:29:29 PM)


First, the steelshaper also pumps soldiers, and I think soldiers are good enough.
Second, knights have always been good on their curve. There are even 2 drop pumpable first striking knights. That's good stuff! They are always 2/2s for 2 or so with at least 2 abilities.
Third, he lowers equip costs, this makes him a johnny card as well as you can perform certain infinite combos with it.
Posted By: blurrymadness (6/16/2011 10:27:16 AM)


Turn 1: Plains, Elite Vanguard
Turn 2: Plains, Bone Saw, Auriok Steelshaper
Posted By: Hivis_of_the_Scale (10/23/2011 8:57:06 AM)


A star in my friends equipment deck. 5/5
Posted By: Sago (9/30/2012 8:41:45 PM)


Block it with Shapestealer.
Posted By: syrazemyla (12/11/2012 1:35:28 PM)


Puresteel Paladin, Leonin Shikari, Kor Duelist, etc. are ALL soldiers/knights, not to mention this is one of those rare creatures with a REFLEXIVE buff (effects himself as well, ie no "other").

His ability works early game until a Puresteel's effect kicks in and always serves as a just-in-case backup.

Definitely a must-have in any vintage equip deck just for the pure synergy. With a T1 equipment, this guy can have a cheap equipment on him as early as T2, which is all he needs for the rest of the game.

Also works well in a soldier deck or a knight deck that's running a small handful of equipments, but is less viable.
Posted By: Krysto (4/10/2013 10:54:55 AM)


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