Great card. Its not Mishra's Worskhop, but its also not $100+. As stated earlier, great with Sea Drake. Also great with untap effects. Its funny that no one used this card when it came out--in retrospect a turn 2 3-drop would have been amazing (or turn 2 Lobotomy...).
Posted By:
(6/1/2009 1:15:57 PM)
Sol Ring #2. Or Mana Crypt #2.
Sol Ring + Mana Crypt + Ancient Tomb. If I am building a deck, for ANY format, I check if these cards are legal. If they are, I put them in. There is a reasonable argument that this class of cards competes with the Moxen for 'playability'. Ancient Tomb is not really that powerful, no, but he's related to two other guys that are, and you probably don't have 4 Mana Crypts, so play some Tombs.
Fast Mana is actually better than Fast Cards in all cases that are not named "Necropotence".
Griselbrand counts as though it were named "Necropotence" for the purposes of the previous sentence.
If you are worried about the life are wrong. There might be cards I don't want to pay life to, but not many. This isn't one of them.
Posted By:
(8/16/2012 10:13:56 PM)
Ancient Tomb +lotus petal+show and tell= Turn one emrakul
Posted By:
(7/30/2011 9:52:50 PM)
damn this is a good card
Posted By:
(10/1/2011 8:48:11 PM)
Sup dawg, we knew you liked 2, so we got you a twomb that has for your 2 so you can have some to go with your 2, too.
This card narrowly beats City of Traitors for best land flavor text paired with worst land art.
Posted By:
(1/17/2012 2:45:43 AM)
Better than any land in Type 2.
Posted By:
(5/29/2012 1:06:35 AM)
Helps power out Chalice of the Void, Sphere of Resistance, Trinisphere, and Lodestone Golems for me.
Beautiful to get free turns one-after-another because you keep screwing their mana-curve, and this thing is a big enabler for that.
In casual? Sun Droplet; it heals your damage from opponents *and* this guy; and it's castable T1; really allowing you time to take over the game.
Posted By:
(11/8/2013 9:50:12 AM)
The damage can really add up, so the card is actually pretty bad in multiples in long, Grindy games. Even with this drawback and the fact that the card has killed me numerous times, I would never consider running less than 4 in multiple deck archetypes.
Posted By:
(5/27/2014 7:26:31 AM)