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Playing Cloud of Faeries then the Condor on turn two is going to put some pressure on your opponent.
Posted By: Kirbster (12/20/2010 12:00:49 PM)


I think you wrote too much about this card, JosephColona.

Anyways, as for the card itself, I'd probably end up using Sapphire Leech more often than this guy. I guess that's my chunk of Johnny talking, but whatever, this condor only appeals to me because of the art.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (3/31/2011 7:10:47 PM)


Play something like Ornithopter and still have the mana left over
Posted By: zeyette (4/22/2010 7:55:04 PM)


Combos with Storm Crow. What else are you gonna cast for 2UU? Vaporous Djinn? I didn't think so!
Posted By: Ertai69 (6/24/2011 6:07:57 PM)


Kind of defeats the purpose of having it in your deck as a CMC 2 for 2/2 flying if you have to cast a spell before hand (and unless your playing a tinker deck zeyette, ornithopter is not going to be in your deck.)
Posted By: Dark_Monkey_316 (5/13/2010 8:02:42 PM)


Card of the Week #3
Previous Card - Weatherseed Treefolk

First off, to everyone in the states, happy Martin Luther King Jr day. I hope you are doing something to commemorate the great and influential man. To everyone outside of the states, happy Monday, have fun at work or school or whatever it is you normally do on Mondays.

Second, this card. Ugh. Lets get this over with.

Alright, yeah there are good and clever ways to get this guy out without having to really care for that pesky restriction. I think all of them are a little much for a simple 2/2 flier. Especially in EDH where each of your multitude of opponents have 40 life. So I'm going to get this out of the way now: yes you can put it in blue braids EDH to get around its casting restrictions. No that is not a good reason to play either blue braids or Skyshroud Condor.

You can put this in Sygg, River Cutthroat, as it beats consistently in the air, but really, you have better cards to put in this.

This really only has a place i... (see all)
Posted By: JosephColona (1/17/2011 5:18:34 PM)


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Posted By: sethddickess (2/14/2010 8:31:38 PM)


I remember this card very well. Somewhat surrprised that it hasn't been reprinted. Seems like a fun premise. Functional reprints...?
Posted By: JovianHomarid (11/30/2013 4:46:31 PM)


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