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Community Rating: 3.705 / 5  (39 votes)
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People have to understand that buyback is OPTIONAL, which is why it's a buyback. Early on this card still allow you to cycle through your library for the right card and being an instant it's safe from permanent destruction. In many mono-blue controls, Whisper is one of the cornerstone of card advantage.
Posted By: Cyberium (5/19/2010 4:21:56 PM)


You can trip this, but you can't rip this.

...I love cantrips.
Posted By: Salient (8/31/2011 11:37:15 PM)


I remember seeing this card back in the day, in decks that specialized in counterspells. It allowed the control player to sink their open mana into something at the end of their opponent's turn, if they didn't counter anything that turn. These days, however, there are far more powerful ways of drawing cards on opponents' turns.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/15/2009 11:56:26 AM)


clearly very bad at chinese whispers
Posted By: ttian (3/24/2009 7:22:15 AM)


At the very least, this is "U: Draw a card." The buyback can come in handy late game, or in EHD. Beyond the mechanics of this card, the art is jaw-droppingly beautiful.
Posted By: EMG81 (9/30/2012 9:06:44 AM)


Stunning artwork here. Also quite playable in certain decks, though nowadays Gitaxian Probe is usually preferred, because the pricey buy back cost on this is mostly irrelevant in most formats.
Posted By: BongRipper420 (10/11/2012 9:46:08 AM)


really good and dumb in EDH
infinite card draw with infinite mana combos like 2x myr galvanizer + 2x alloy myr
Posted By: raptorman333 (5/2/2014 6:24:24 AM)


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