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Living Artifact is only triggered for your upkeeps... this badboy hits for every upkeep! Using 3 or 4 of these in a chaos multiplayer deck will soon make you public enemy #1.

I like to use it with cards like Flame Rift and Sanguine Bond.
Posted By: AtriumXP (10/16/2009 6:12:51 AM)


great in mp otherwise ok
Posted By: kroen (9/9/2009 9:25:54 AM)


Nice, couple of these and a couple Living Artifacts your opponent will think twice before dealing a small amount of damage to you.
Posted By: bhunji42 (9/15/2009 12:23:08 PM)


A very nice artifact in Casual or Multiplayer... makes people less likely to attack you...
Posted By: Volcre (10/7/2009 1:21:42 PM)


Sun Droplet only gets counters when its controler takes damage.
Posted By: medomai (3/31/2010 11:04:19 PM)


I used to love targeting this with dismantle.
Posted By: roguepariah (2/3/2011 12:21:33 PM)


If you use something like Orzhova, the Church Of Deals to target yourself, would you be able to use this to actually gain life? Orzhova does specify "loses 1 life" rather than "deals 1 damage." What other cards would be good to use for this kind of combo?
Posted By: Angel_Starmaster (3/18/2010 2:32:20 AM)


While you have a good idea, the mechanics don't line up. Loss of life does NOT equal damage. I know it can be confusing as damage DOES cause loss of life. I think what you are looking for are things like Corrupt or Consume Spirit. Black has tons of cards with similar effects and you can find them all on here with a little tweaking of the advanced search. Just be sure it has the key word 'damage' and can target a player. For example Suffer the Past wouldn't work for the same reason as the land you mentioned.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (10/21/2011 10:29:52 AM)


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