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Community Rating: 3.760 / 5  (25 votes)
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It's not crap. It's sure fire creature killer.
Posted By: tavaritz (4/19/2011 6:12:17 AM)


A great card flavorwise. Unfortunately, forcing creatures not declared as blockers to block was never a part of intended functionality (see original text "play after defender has chosen defense," though that would have greatly increased the utility of the card. Still, can shift a blocker from a non-Trample/Deathtouch/whatever attacker to the Trample/Deathtouch/whatever attacker, or remove a Deathtouch/Venom/Infect blocker entirely.
Posted By: Ibn_Shisha (6/12/2013 6:58:44 AM)


if only I could make it block something it wouldn't legally be able to block otherwise! :p

I don't want to do anything mean like block unblockable creatures. I want to do something wierd like make it block....that land. Or this artifact. Or your hand. Something stupid that only a Johnny would think of...
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/25/2012 2:51:48 AM)


never reprinted, how sad. ah well it's crap anyway.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (1/11/2011 2:58:54 PM)


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