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I love that there is a story that ties the cards in each set together. Magic the Gathering is awesome I love it. Awesome card game that requires strategizing, problem-solving, thinking outside of the box, designing and executing! And it has an awesome story that gives a background to all the cards? Just amazing. Such a rich fantasy world. Well done wizards, well done.
Posted By: opinionfailure (6/3/2010 7:41:40 PM)


This guy was so dangerous and annoying in those days. Black players often did not have trouble with him, but struggled with his brother (Soltari Monk), though Red players had very few ways of dealing with him without seriously gimping themselves (Rod of Ruin? I think not).

Ironically it was guys like this that made the Shadow such a dangerous mechanic, even in its day, sneaking into the red zone and making you waste your removal before your game-enders came onto the board, or just ending games singlehandedly if your opponent wasn't prepared.
Posted By: Equinox523 (6/22/2011 10:40:12 AM)


Urza brought them with him to dominaria when he first found rath. (which was futile since the Rathi Overlay brought everything onto dominaria)...so.....I...don't...know...Lost in the time spiral block maybe?
Posted By: Keino (3/24/2010 9:21:46 PM)


Where did the Soltari go after leaving Rath? What happened to them? Might we one day run in to them again?
Posted By: A3Kitsune (3/11/2010 4:05:46 AM)



Well scars has a fake one.
Posted By: pigknight (1/2/2011 8:02:27 PM)


Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/22/2011 9:51:23 PM)


At first I thought that the bridge was the creature...
Posted By: robox (2/3/2014 10:53:18 PM)


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