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In case you're afraid your opponent may use the same color as you do, i advice to make use of Snow-Covered lands. That prevents your opponent from getting an advantage from this card almost always.
Posted By: Mode (7/20/2009 10:36:32 AM)


Wow mode, thats really smart! i agree with everyone else, the moment i read it i just thought "Brilliant!"
(gave your comment 5/5 btw)

This card was already very good, but with snow-covered lands it becomes even better.
Its especially good in mono decks.


Posted By: Fert12334 (3/26/2011 9:56:32 PM)


Pure. Freaking. Genius! I mean come on who really runs snow-covered lands?! Thanks for the idea mate!
Posted By: Rushdown (10/23/2010 11:46:10 AM)


I use the Snow-Covered trick and a bunch of "kill everything" style very expensive demons. It actually works *really* well. Good thing about SC Swamps is you can use Rimebound dead to help hold off attackers.

I use a bunch of mana producing thrulls. Expect massive demons on Turn 4 and every turn after that lol. Beautiful.
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/8/2013 8:32:09 PM)


thanks man, thats good idea. !!:)
Posted By: GrimGorgonBC (12/13/2009 10:27:31 AM)


Oh, good thinking! Though it was best in black (in my opinion), and people actually use snow covered swamps in my playgroup XD
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (2/9/2010 11:58:51 AM)


Combos with island. OMG SO BROKEN.

Really though, I've seen this used to devastating effectiveness in a mono-black commander deck.
because the cabal coffers, vesuva as a copy of said coffers, deserted temple weren't enough to consume spirit one person and profane command another, but this got him there (he'd already played exsanguinate and then again with yawgmoth's will. It was not a good game for everyone else)
Posted By: Razbot (7/25/2011 12:10:52 PM)


As you say, using this with snow-covered lands is awesome. The problem is that serious decks know this, and run snow-covered lands themselves.
Posted By: Sleazebag (10/22/2011 4:18:22 PM)


I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the fact that you can pretty much just build a two color deck around this and mirrorworks, nothing but snow-covered lands, a bit of mana ramping if one is so inclined, and fatties to swing with early game. Can work in all kinds of ways, really.
Posted By: Dwarf_Planet (2/29/2012 10:25:44 PM)


best way to get out a phyrexian obliterator if you're lazy and build a multicolor deck
best way to do anything really
Posted By: pallymander (10/2/2012 8:32:04 PM)


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