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Companion to the ancient Helm of Obedience for an artifact block, without the quirk in wording that lets you combo with replacement effects to mill an entire library for 1. The power of this card depends entirely on what kinds of decks your opponents are playing.
Posted By: Tanaka348 (12/4/2009 9:48:02 PM)


I use this in my Glissa, The Traitor EDH. Since I can get it back even if I find an artifact in their deck it basically lets me mill my opponent without fear of losing it and even stealing a bunch of their artifacts along the way. I have also used the Jester's Cap and Jester's Mask to clear away some of their artifacts so I can just mill them without fear of losing my Thought Dissector to a signet or other small utility artifact, no if I'm Dissecting your Thoughts I'm going straight for the Darksteel Colossus or Wurmcoil Engine you were counting on for your win condition. Fun card in any deck that can bring it back repeatedly a la Academy Ruins or the aforementioned legend.
Posted By: poprockmonster (11/24/2011 2:40:41 PM)


Ideally, you get the artifact on the last of your 10+ cards that were milled, BUT let us not forget that you get the artifact under your control assuming 1 is caught down the river somewhere. Ideally you mill & get the card for the price you pay. Assure from affinity & metalcraft the chances of you actually needing the supposed artifact are minimal & the thought of it helping you is random at best but, who knows, maybe you'll get lucky.
Posted By: Mike-C (4/12/2011 5:39:07 PM)


a good mana sink for milling decks, until you get your opponent's artifact.
Posted By: Myxomorph (6/14/2009 3:42:08 PM)


This would be pretty handy if your opponent is playing elves of something that doesn't use artifacts too much.
Posted By: Etregan (11/26/2009 1:53:39 AM)


What does this card teach us? Brain drilling is tons of fun! Do it in the spirit of Volrath and Greel.
Posted By: Goatllama (11/29/2011 12:03:46 PM)


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