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A reverse-Exploration. In a one-on-one game, Exploration is better since it only relies on you and not an opponent's actions.

@Izzet_guild_mage. My original comment is based on a one-on-one game. You're right that I don't play much multiplayer, so I will concede that this card is definitely more powerful in multiplayer if you can play this card early.
Posted By: ClowWizardEriol (2/16/2010 8:23:13 AM)


"I'm not sure how this card works if your oponents has a Burgeoning as well.
Suppose he/she plays a land. You may react by putting a land in play. Does this mean he/she can put also put another land into play? "

No. This only triggers off the special action of a player putting their one land per turn onto the battlefield, ie. "playing a land". Putting a land onto the battlefield via an ability is a different matter entirely, and won't trigger Burgeoning.

"A typical broken card which subverts the basic conventions of magic at a ridiculously low cost.

Nice going."

A card so "broken" that it never saw any competetive play, and is best used as a fun multiplayer card. I'd sincerely say that it was "nice going".
Posted By: scumbling1 (4/19/2011 6:57:20 PM)


A typical broken card which subverts the basic conventions of magic at a ridiculously low cost.

Nice going.
Posted By: Baconradar (8/13/2010 8:00:53 AM)


Fade and Wizard, wrong, wrong, wrong. You must not play much multiplayer. This card is stupid broken. Five man game, this turn one, you've played all your lands, guaranteed 0_o
Edit: Oh man, and follow that up with a turn 2 Meloku the Clouded Mirror...yeah, broken.
Edit #2: Oh, and sorry to sound pretentious guys ^^; I just practically shat myself when I saw this thing :P
Posted By: izzet_guild_mage (2/23/2010 2:42:45 PM)


I wish the M11 leyline had an ability like this.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (7/25/2010 5:34:05 AM)


Yep, gotta love this card. Indeed, Exploration has a slight edge over this one
Please reprint Burgeoning ! :D
Posted By: Nuclear_Pony (4/23/2010 9:01:39 AM)


Great card. Not as good as Exploration, but it essentially does the same thing, so long as your opponent's not mana screwed.
Posted By: Fade_To_Black (11/15/2009 1:23:12 AM)


I was surprised to discover how much City of Traitors likes this card. Its drawback nearly disappears.

I like Burgeoning more than Exploration, even though it's a less reliable card for ramp/acceleration purposes. Burgeoning has a weird control flavor. Opponents fear playing their lands.

In the post-Mental Misstep universe, 42 Lands' only hope in Legacy is to play four of these alongside four Exploration and four Manabond. So much for that deck. :(
Posted By: Salient (8/27/2011 12:04:13 PM)


HaHA. Now I get priority when you play a land! Now what can I do with this...
Posted By: pedrodyl (2/1/2013 2:06:31 PM)


I had one of these from back in the day and bought another 3 a few years back for 20c each or something. They are now $7.50. They are a solid singleton in multiplayer games which is where I find myself using it.

Can definitely work 4 into a deck but you need to work around the dead draws after you get the first one out.
Posted By: Polycotton (8/2/2013 8:58:30 PM)


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