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Hah, that art is nuts.
Posted By: Kirbster (12/9/2010 3:42:34 PM)


Pretty good in a green threshold deck - you can discard Arrogant Wurm or Basking Rootwalla to put blockers on the field and pump them with Narcissism's ability.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (3/22/2011 4:48:03 AM)


Narcissism pairs well with a Fiery Temper and Circular Logic.
Posted By: Polychromatic (5/7/2011 6:09:23 PM)


Green considers itself to be a part of the world around it, and it considers the natural world to be perfect. Green acts only to protect nature from outside sources, because (in green's view) imperfection can only come from the outside. Also, only imperfection comes from the outside, never anything good. By its association with the natural world, green is its own ideal. If you want to see this in action, count how many times Garruk has complained about "civilized" people, and how the wild things are above such deceit.

Narcissism fits green a lot better than black, because black knows it is imperfect. It won't admit it to anyone, but black makes the sacrifices other colors would balk at to correct or compensate for its flaws. Black wants to be perfect; green thinks it already is.
Posted By: Jelvoden (10/5/2012 1:23:09 PM)


I love the art. And it's so cool!
Posted By: MoeRapples (1/21/2010 9:45:24 PM)


Lorwyn elves arn't pure green, they are black/green. Narcissim as a flaw fits green less then it does certain other colors - the above-mentioned black, white, and blue.
Posted By: A3Kitsune (6/8/2010 1:09:32 AM)


Narcissism can fit into green just fine. At least, a +2/+2 bonus can depict a ruthlessness and shamelessness that can come from it. Green is usually the color willing to stay in limbo while the other colors fight each other for elemental superiority; One explanation for this could be that a "grandoise sense of self-worth" lets Green's leaders remain lawful or chaotic neutral, not adopting another's ideals and instead expecting a certain entitlement that goes along with being "above the argument"
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/15/2012 4:52:38 PM)


You think narcissism isn't green? Just look at the elves from Lorwyn.
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (5/25/2010 6:57:56 AM)


if the cycle (compulsion, mortiphobia, pyromania, hypochondria) is supposed to be like a character flaw for each color, green definitely has more obvious choices than "narcissism."

like "mindlessness"...
Posted By: metalevolence (6/21/2010 1:14:32 AM)


There is absolutely no flavor text to complement the concept of narcissism and green is one of the least narcissistic colors, how disappointing.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (2/18/2010 4:51:29 PM)


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