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Great card. It's almost like naturalize except that you can't take out artifacts as well. Also, if you don't need it you can cycle for a new card.

Posted By: zMrManz (7/27/2011 2:04:10 PM)


@EternalLurker: Then what's a well-built deck to you? Since you have to destroy target enchantment, Aura Blast won't let you draw any card unless there is an enchantment you could destroy - because otherwise the entire spell will be illegal and get countered.
(You normally can't ensure this unless you're running cards like Hatching Plans, but then again i'd prefer using other cards...)
Clear can be cycled if you don't need it, while Aura Blast is a cantrip you should at best only run in a Sideboard, otherwise you might have a dead card.
Cards with cycling are never really dead cards, although i wouldn't consider putting this into my main-deck either. Yet someone running a Fluctuator might consider doing so.

Altogether i wanted to point out that you can't say cantrips are strictly better than their cycling counterpart.
Posted By: Mode (6/21/2010 5:44:43 PM)


Cycling, yeah...Or you could just sideboard it.
Posted By: jhimbob (8/30/2009 7:40:10 AM)


Sideboard. Not useful. I'll run revoke Existence over it any day.
Posted By: land_comment (3/25/2011 9:51:32 AM)


I run for of these in my cycling deck, I just wish it could take out Artifacts to.
Posted By: mrredhatter (10/22/2009 2:36:44 PM)


@mrredhatter: As usual, a card you consider "uber" is far worse than another. Pay 2 to destroy an enchantment, or pay 2 to draw a card? Aura Blast lets you pay 2 for both and is thus better in any well-built deck.
Posted By: EternalLurker (2/11/2010 6:40:53 AM)


@EternalLurker: What if you're running an astral slide deck? Suddenly clear looks a lot better! And yet it can still be part of a "well-built" deck.
Posted By: Majora_13 (3/5/2013 9:48:00 AM)


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