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Community Rating: 3.375 / 5  (28 votes)
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Not bad for geting rid of enchantments that your opponent might have. But far to easy to get picked off before it becomes effective.
Posted By: Silverware (8/17/2009 12:48:24 PM)


Awesome art by Rebecca Guay and interesting flavour text! The card in itself is decent, but Elvish Hexhunter is, in most cases, slightly superior.
Posted By: Tiggurix (11/9/2010 8:59:15 AM)


I would in fact say that enchantment removal is good for getting rid of enchantments that your opponent might have.
Posted By: chrishocker (6/9/2011 1:03:12 PM)


This is maindeck worthy for an elf deck. If they have 0 enchantments, at least shes still an elf. Some enchantments like Moat or No Mercy demand answers. I would rather have more security then getting locked downed game 1 to an enchantment.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/25/2012 7:06:46 PM)


As far as elves go, this might not be the best one-drop. But then, having this out could stall your opponent from playing their Leyline first turn, then would get whatever buffs your elves are capable of. Not terrible.

EDIT: Scratch that, I had forgotten the game begins with a Leyline on the field.. But still.. Elf.
Posted By: BastianQoU (6/28/2011 2:08:12 AM)


Tautology for the win.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (12/3/2011 3:32:57 AM)


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