Back in the day this thing was a nightmare in the large multiplayer casual games we'd play. No one would play anything for fear of being killed by an unblockable creature their spells couldn't deal with (most of us played mono coloured decks back then).
Posted By:
(9/5/2010 8:09:12 PM)
This thing is still a terror to any mono-colored deck.
Posted By:
(1/13/2011 3:11:38 PM)
Why sideboard for specific color hate when you could just mainboard this guy and hate them all? Not great against artifact decks but you still get something out of the deal.
Posted By:
(6/2/2011 12:33:48 AM)
@Red_Dragonsfire. . Yes it goes away. It seems to me that you're thinking that you leave the enchantment there, and put a token into play that counts as a
Giant with pro from ______ . Actually what happens is the enchantment itself becomes the creature. So you're using the same card and just moving it to the battlefield as a creature. Hopefully I was able to help.
Posted By:
(5/25/2010 11:37:32 AM)
Run with Replenish.
Posted By:
(10/7/2009 8:04:44 AM)
If theOpal Titan is turned in to a creature, and then the creature is killed. Does the Opal Titan Enchantment then go away???
Posted By:
(5/22/2010 1:13:17 PM)
This is basically a delayed creature. Its pretty good though, but it can only be "activated" by a creature spell from your oppoment. on the bright side, it gets Protection from that color(s), which is nice.
think of it like the enchantment creatures from theros, except when it goes creature, it goes full creature and stops being enchanting.
Posted By:
(2/22/2014 10:01:33 AM)