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Community Rating: 4.030 / 5  (33 votes)
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I always thought this card was great for green, and against green too, as it forces your opponent to choose between birds of paradise or giving you a first turn 3/5.
Posted By: Laguz (7/13/2010 7:10:30 AM)


This does not trigger from tokens entering play, it only counts if your opponent casts a creature spell and that creature intrinsically has flying, so spells that put flying tokens into play or creatures that can gain flying do not activate this card.
Regardless, this is still a VERY nasty counter to people who like to spam cheap flyers in the early game. Not only will this make them think twice about doing so (and thus net you a few turns flyer free if all goes well), but if they do trigger it, the result is semi-beefy blocker/attacker in the early game. Maybe not as dangerous as deadly recluse or similar spiders, but still has its uses as a 1 drop.
Definitely not bad, but probably not your best 1 mana card.
Posted By: Krysto (3/6/2013 10:56:33 AM)


No; not only would "enters the battlefield" count tokens, but they DID successfully cast. "Successfully cast" doesn't have anything to do with countering a spell; it just has to do with paying the appropriate costs for a spell when you put it on the stack and thus cast it. The wording in the rules used to mean they wanted to differentiate between someone putting a spell on the stack inappropriately vs. paying all of it's costs.

Now us youngin's have rules that ensure that that wording is unnecessary and superfluous; but it means the same thing as "whenever casts "
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/6/2013 12:56:55 PM)


mmmmmm urza's... 3/5 reach for 1 in green, Amazing.

usually not as good as Hidden Guerrillas but that doesn't mean much ... 4.5/5 but im a sucker for Urza's cards, espcially the green ones
Posted By: GoatKnapper (5/4/2011 10:34:09 AM)


No. The tokens that come into play are not spells, so they would not trigger this. This triggers only if your opponent casts the spell, only if it is a creature spell, and only if that creature has flying.
Posted By: swordoath (7/27/2009 2:22:42 AM)


Ugh. Really creepy art.
Posted By: Nagoragama (9/30/2010 3:05:39 PM)


Would thid work with Hunted Troll?
Posted By: Sooku (7/17/2009 1:32:30 PM)


kills faeries
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/23/2011 10:59:32 PM)


Technically, the card states "successfully casts." The oracle text should be an "enters the battlefield " effect.
Posted By: JimT70 (5/18/2012 10:36:45 AM)


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