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Heh, gotta love the flavortext. About the card itself a 4/4 for five isn't bad, although the double green hurts it a bit. What this card likes is to be equiped with rancor or some other means to trample over the opponents creatures, or maybe a lure or something that triggers upon damaging a player. That way a 1/1 blocker will be useless, and anything greater will still die while allowing damage to get through. Only if the blocker was a 5/5 or 2 3/3's would the opponent not take any damage, and that isn't including any possible pumps. either way you come out ahead, trading a 4/4 for a 5/5 or a 4/4 for their multiple blockers, netting either mana or card advantage. Either way, this card is something that has a niche, and shouldn't necessarily be overlooked.
That said, power creep has probably obsoleted this guy ten times over, but it was still very decent during that time period and would probably work well in casual.
Posted By:
(7/11/2011 3:04:07 AM)
Oh, come on, why dose this thing have a ** */2 rating? It's at least a ***!
It costs 5 but has a 4/4, true. However this creature is meant to attack with and when used as it is meant to be, it is almost granted to be a 5/5.
As far as I can see, these creatures (Wolverines, ferrets, etc) all seem to get tougher when they attack. That and it can't be blocked by more than one creature without making it even more dangerous. A whole army of ten thousand elves couldn't bring this sucker down.
At any rate, I can see this thing in two ways. First, I can see this sucker standing well alone, and second, I can see it going well in a deck structured around it and others like it.
offish manna cost: -*
Ability to stand alone: +*
Ability to work with other things: +*
final rating: ****
Oh, look my rating pumped it up to ***, fantastic.
Posted By:
(5/22/2010 2:05:30 PM)
They stink. Not the card or the ability- I mean those wolverines literally smell bad.
Posted By:
(6/4/2011 2:40:32 PM)
You'd never play this in any constructed format (barring begginners' casual,) but I'm sure it's quite good for limited.
Posted By:
(12/20/2012 9:52:52 AM)