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Whoa, the oracle ruling on the site has a typo. It says it has a power and toughness just like the card does. If you look at the 9th edition one you see how it is supposed to be. Wonder if anyone higher up in Wizards of the Coast will ever notice that.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (7/31/2010 11:20:35 PM)


The difference is that no artifact has P/T unless it's a creature. So Jade Statue shouldn't have P/T outside combat phase unless it has outside animation. If it has outside animation then that effect specifies the P/T outside the combat phase, the Statues own effect will then make it 3(/6 during combat.
Posted By: tavaritz (4/21/2011 12:30:05 PM)


If we follow Norin the Wary's quote in the flavor text, this is the idol which appears in the background of the Goblin Shrine. Neat.
Posted By: Ideatog (8/4/2011 8:33:27 PM)


Glad that this fella was reprinted in 9th Edition. I like seeing cool, older cards come back for a spin, and considering how rarely we get artifacts that can turn into creatures, it's all the more fun here.
Posted By: Radagast (11/6/2011 8:41:16 AM)


What's the difference again? I didn't get that.
Posted By: land_comment (2/22/2011 6:36:13 PM)


Odd that it has P/T outside of creature form.
Posted By: Axelle (7/16/2012 3:21:14 PM)


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