She can only be used offensively, you can't use it to buff yourself through a burn spell, so I prefer Auriok Bladewarden.
Posted By:
(10/2/2009 2:50:03 PM)
+2/+2 is not bad. Timing limitation meens this is not really good, but can be decent support.
Posted By:
(2/7/2010 2:40:18 AM)
By the Second Age, Stern Marshal was knighted.
Posted By:
(6/6/2011 3:54:31 PM)
I believe it's a "he" Mr. Redhatter
Cool artwork. Not bad thanks to the latest knight supports. Would have been nice if it had some tap to deal damage effect to represent him using the gun.
Posted By:
(4/9/2011 5:42:54 AM)
Is that a rifle in your holster or are you just happy to see me?
Posted By:
(11/7/2009 4:36:22 PM)
Because of the timing limitation, this is pretty bad. Definitely not rare material.
Posted By:
(7/25/2009 7:38:33 AM)
This card is similar too....

Creature - Human Knight.
Exalted exalted.
If ~ attacks, she loses exalted exalted until end of turn.
The main difference is that you cant also block with her after using her exalted pump on another creature, and you could only use the exalted pump once a turn with her, if you run Seize the Day or something.
Posted By:
(5/24/2013 5:07:33 PM)
Strictly better than Pang Tong.
Posted By:
(10/16/2013 11:24:42 PM)