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Community Rating: 4.861 / 5  (72 votes)
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One of the many cards that became broken with Dark Ritual, although slightly over-powered on its own...One of the few cards banned in Vintage due to power-level reasons, althoguh it has since been unrestricted...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (7/1/2009 4:55:56 PM)


Mind Twist: what happens when you look at the alpha price for a playset (which i suppose is technically only one, but meh)
Posted By: acemanner (10/3/2011 11:18:56 PM)


Listen closely, listen well
Ponder the meaning of the tune from hell
Posted By: Goatllama (2/21/2013 11:18:24 AM)


Just so darn mean, what's worse than discarding {X} cards? Discarding {X} cards at random. As pointed out this can be very powerful when used aggresively with mana ramp, the fact that it is random discard is just insult to injury.

For those of you looking for similarly mean cards, try Hymn to Tourach.
Posted By: tcollins (8/15/2011 11:51:06 AM)


this is an odd card.... must resist temptation of emptying my hand to empty yours...
that being said best discard spell ever! and sometimes, its ok to kill your hand to kill your opponents.
Posted By: nunyaJs (2/4/2012 8:08:54 PM)


haha man this thing is so broken.
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (11/30/2010 2:50:10 PM)


what a tweest!
Posted By: car2n (10/3/2013 6:50:18 PM)


No hand for you!
Posted By: Ibn_Shisha (10/21/2013 6:32:45 PM)


For everyone who doesn't understand how violated you feel after being hit with one of these, picture this:

You start the game, going second, and before you even get a chance to act or get any land on the field, your opponent plays a Swamp, Black Lotus, 2 Dark Rituals and then Mind Twist for 7. They've just knocked out your entire hand and set you back for many turns:

- If you draw a land, you have no spells to cast with it, so it's a dead turn.
- If you draw a spell or creature, you can't play it because you have no land.
Meanwhile, you could be taking tons of damage from The Rack or having all semblance of a plan being knocked out every turn by Hypnotic Specter or Juzám Djinn you can't deal with.

Wizards seems to have recognized how degenerate cards like this can be, in conjunction with fast mana. This is probably why is random discard... (see all)
Posted By: Equinox523 (3/8/2014 4:53:41 AM)


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