Also: Vengevine, Psychatog, Linvala, Primeval Titan, non-10th edition Platinum Angel.
I love this card, but a good amount of beaters don't have reminder text because they have too many abilities to have room for it.
Posted By:
(3/12/2011 8:01:56 PM)
How to counter Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
Posted By:
(6/27/2011 11:21:36 AM)
most of the 'Voltron, lulz I win' creatures (Akroma, Baneslayer, Vampire Nighthawk) get around this (DUH!) but this works pretty darn well against almost anything from a Core Set. xD
Posted By:
(8/16/2011 11:30:52 AM)
In response, I Redirect it to my Darksteel Myr.
Posted By:
(10/21/2012 8:42:59 PM)
@Hugo1 Well,actually it would be Kozilek and Ulamog,The Infinite Gyre. His indestructible ability has reminder text.
Posted By:
(12/18/2012 11:47:16 PM)
Say goodbye, Vampire Nighthawk >:)
Posted By:
(7/14/2013 11:22:23 PM)
This kills my pal Nighthawk. Any card that strong deserves a 5/5.
Posted By:
(11/11/2013 1:30:38 PM)
This would be total powerhouse if it found its way into standard. I doubt you would play a game without killing something for
. Core set always has them, and any kind of block mechanic creature will have it.
Posted By:
(11/18/2013 7:28:02 AM)
The reminder text isn't bad either. :D
Posted By:
(2/22/2009 2:09:47 PM)
Especially useful if the guy you're playing against is using cards from eighth edition, which has reminder text for creatures with FLYING.
Posted By:
(6/29/2009 2:17:11 PM)