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Community Rating: 1.333 / 5  (39 votes)
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Another common that blatantly insults our intelligence.
Three mana for 0 power and 1 toughness, for a crappy ability that can't target yourself and requires you having more cards than the opponent.
Posted By: bioporn (8/31/2010 8:56:07 AM)


It should have either been a 2/2 or the ability should not have been conditional. As it is, it's most definitely far from stellar.
Posted By: Tiggurix (10/4/2010 2:22:22 PM)


Mother of Runes is so much better than this. Oriss, Samite Guardian outperforms this, if you're counting the amount of damage prevented. Even a legendary creature, Angus MacKenzie, is better, even considering mana costs.
Posted By: MattLynn (4/10/2013 11:40:54 AM)


Now where was the necessity to make this guy 0/1 again?
Posted By: Mode (8/24/2009 6:10:14 AM)


I don't think he's as bad as every one makes him out to be. He is potentially a 0/4, but 3 of his toughness is transferrable to more valuable creatures you may have down. As a reusable fast-effect ability, that's not too bad.
Posted By: TheHypersapien (7/15/2011 1:05:42 PM)


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